Ranger Rick and Scott Elkins have been hard at work clearing an area for "The Den" our new exclusive Cub Scout Resident Camping area!
Early Bird Fee Dead Line Fast Approaching!
Camp Site Reservation - Now is the time to make your site reservation if you haven’t already. Early Bird site fee is $50, after November 1st it is $100. This is the link: http://www.ctrivers.org/Events/2016SummerCampCampsiteReservations Words from Chris Moon
"Since 2002, I have been the Camp Director at Camp Mattatuck. I have spent all those days working with the world class members of the Camp Mattatuck Staff in providing a great quality program for your scouts. But is time for me to step out of the role as Camp Director and let others take the lead. I will still be involved in the year round and summer camp programs and I will still continue my other duties in scouting. It has been a pleasure and will continue to be so. See you at camp." Jeromy Nelson is the new Camp Director. Camp Mattatuck is fortunate to have such a dedicated and knowledgeable scouter who will continue all the great things that Mattatuck has to offer while adding many new and exciting programs also. Summer is around the corner. Here you'll find links to sign up for this year's summer camp program.
Boy Scout Summer Camp July 5-11, 2015 July 12-18, 2015 July 19-25, 2015 July 26-August 1, 2015 August 2-8, 2015 Cub and Webelos Resident Camp July 5-10, 2015 July 12-17, 2015 July 19-24, 2015 July 26-31, 2015 Cub Mini-Week July 19-21, 2015 July 26-28, 2015 Cub Scout Day Camp July 6-10. 2015 July 13-17, 2015 July 20-24, 2015 Citizenship Day Saturday, July 25, 2015 S.T.E.M. NOVA July 23-24, 2015 Cub Family Camp July 25-26, 2015 |