2017 staff interviews will be held for both Cub Scout and Boy Scout staff members on January 14th, Febuarary 4th, March 4th and April 1st. All interviews will be held in the camp office from 1-4pm. For more information visit www.campmattatuck.org/staff.html If you have any question contact Jeromy at [email protected] I wanted to congratulate the newly elected officers of the Mattatuck Volunteers.
Chairman - Pat Sheridan Vice Chairman - Erik Dey Secretary - Vin Pieteorazio Treasurer - Rob Reed It was evident based on attendance and discussion at the annual meeting that the organization is in great hands. Please also join me in giving a heartfelt thank you to Rob Mendela who chaired the volunteers for the past 5 years. Rob's vision, dedication, and amazing drive have benefited us all and made Camp Mattatuck a better place. Thank you, Rob, for all that you do! Jeromy |